Renal calculi is the formation of stones in the urinary tract, causing pain and bleeding, and may lead to secondary infection. Of many types of stones that are formed, the most common are calcium oxalate. Urolithiasis (renal stone formation) is a recurrent disorder predominant in males. The present day medical management of urolithiasis is either costly or not without side effects. Hence, the search for antilithiatic drugs from natural sources has assumed greater importance1. Many Indian plants have been quoted to be useful as antilithiatic agents. They are effective with fewer side effects and are also inexpensive. One of the important phenomena that characterize renal calculi is its high recurrence. Thus, a protective system is required including ESWL and medicament treatment. Unfortunately, these means remain costly and in most case are invasive and with side effects. Therefore, it is worthwhile to look for an alternative to these conventional methods by using medicinal plants or phytotherapy. Therefore, it is highly recommended to explore new drugs coming from medicinal plants to treat and prevent the formation of kidney stones. Ideally, conventional and phytotherapy should supplement one another and have all the need available for renal calculi patients. Musa AAB stem extract showed promising results in the size reduction of kidney stones by invitro method. Musa AAB stem juice showed good antioxidant activity by superoxide scavanging activity and thiobarbituric acid methods. Invivo studies can further confirm and revalidate the use of these agents in real time clinical settings